Topic 1

 How Advertisements Work

The 'Pieces of Persuasion' topic will be delving into your current understanding of advertising. 

Learning Aims: I recognise that advertising has hidden codes to compel someone to buy a product or service. I understand that advertising can create representations of people, places and concepts.

Success: I have watched the video and completed all the questions from nearpod.

Step 1: Students if you could please begin by clicking on the Ed puzzle image below, this will open a 'media's hidden code' video into an external tab. Please watch the video and answer the prompting questions. Be aware the video will randomly pause throughout and will not allow you to progress until you have completed the questions.
I have also included a hyperlink below if you are having difficulties opening the image. 

Note: The Edpuzzle will require you to use your gmail email to login.

Step 2: Once you have completed step 1, can you please begin the Nearpod session on introduction to advertising. This will prompt you to some external websites and videos. Please take a look at these and also answer any prompted questions. I have also attached a hyperlink and access code if you are having any difficulties accessing it.


Thank you students! This completes topic 1😃
Please click on the next tab topic 2- Sell it like you mean it!